Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Wow....where have i been?

I can't believe how long it's been since the last time I've blogged. Where has the time gone? It's mid march and the winter quarter is already over! Finals flew bye in the last two weeks. I had a wedding, two funerals and a flurry of other things to take care of in between. The vibe during finals in the quarter system is way different from the semester system. In the semester system, finals are spread out throughout a 3 week period with days in between to take a breather and rest. But in the quarter system, it's just one final after the other. Indeed, a test of endurance! Have you ever looked back and thought to yourself, "wow, that's a whole lotta information I put into my head in a 24 hour period!" Well, I have and it's exactly how I feel right now. Finishing finals is a bitter sweet moment especially when your last final wasn't what you had expected.

Spring break begins tomorrow and I already have a list of things to do (non-academic related of course)

Tomorrow I will be teaching a germ lesson to a kindergarten class at Spring Valley elementary school. As part of the PharmTeach program, pharmacy students work with teachers from local elementary schools to initiate science lessons. I am super-excited because kindergarteners are so willing to volunteer answers but if you look at my class--more times than not, crickets can be heard whenever a professor asks questions. I guess as we get older, we fear ridicule and are not as enthused to ask questions as when we were 5 years old.

I am also planning the Integrative Medicine Elective for April and am super psyched about that! So far we have a great line of speakers from the holistic medicine community who have combined western techniques into their practice but there's still more work to go as far as publicity.

In about two and a half weeks, SNPHA along with it's counterpart, SNMA (in the med school), an organization that strives to deliver health to underserved communities will be hosting a health fair in south san francisco! We are having a DJ, getting one of those moon bouncers, a slide, tons of balloons to draw people in to the health information and free cholesterol and diabetes screening we will be offering.

That's about it--and will probably keep me busy for the entire spring break!